Season 13: Episode 14 - Feedback, How to handle it without it crushing your soul

This is a juicy one folks, in this episode we are exploring the territory of feedback.

How to give it, how to take it, and how to handle it without it crushing your soul and your confidence.

We dig into the various types of feedback and its use for us in business. What mindset and approach best supports you to stay empowered. What to do when you you don't get great feedback and how to stay proactive and stay out of a failure quagmire.

We ask the question whether it's ever ok to give unsolicited feedback and spend a little time exploring how we deal with and deescalate heated conflict and manage your nervous system and self regulate.

It's broad ranging, deep digging and we hope highly practical. Do let us know what you think, feedback always welcome ;)


Season 13: Episode 15 - The Complexities of Clarity, the advantages of a more nuanced approach to your brand


Season 3: Episode 13 Getting your Brand Right from the Start