
when you need coaching now

highly effective, efficient real-time coaching that brings clarity, insight and a positive way forwards


clarify your thinking

When thinking is muddled, we lose perspective and our capacity to make sensible, positive decisions. We can waste time floundering around trying to get out of the confusion ourselves or take advantage of having someone reflect back our patterns of thinking and behaving and where we might be stuck. The right questions asked at the right time bring clear thinking, right understanding and end uncertainty.

Gather your resources

When we face a challenge, however big or small we need to feel resilient and resourced to move forwards. You have a wealth of inner and outer resources at your disposal but identifying them and connecting with them on your own can be tricky. A skilled and supportive coach can help you quickly reach a place of empowerment confidence and resourcefulness.

take the right action quickly

Maintaining momentum, energy and drive by moving forwards consistently enables your work and your life to flow well. Sometimes we need a course correction to ensure we are headed in the right direction.

Any decision can be made with confidence once you’ve established what you really want, how to overcome the barriers and have gathered the resources you need.

When you need to test an idea, solve a problem, check your thinking or build your resilience in the moment a 30 minute Bounce session will do the trick.